Auberge La Glacière,
an icon in the region

An Icon in the Region

Passageway on Route 131, Auberge la Glacière has 28 rooms to accommodate you and its restaurant La Marmite Gourmande. With a large dining room, you will discover a table where fresh food reigns. Owners Lionel Moultoux and Gaétane Pelletier will be very happy to welcome you during your stay.

A Bit of History

It was in 1928 that Mr. Emilien Forest built his inn, which he named “Auberge La Glacière”. At that time, people used ice to preserve food, so the inn’s first mission was to sell ice to the parish of Saint-Zénon, hence the name of the inn.

At the same time, fishermen were starting to tease the different species of fish in the area, so they too were in great need of ice to preserve their catch. From this heritage, this place is still remembered as a paradise for fishing.

Pêche (été seulement)

Grâce à notre partenariat avec la Pourvoirie Trudeau, profitez d’un séjour de pêche, entre amis ou en famille, à la truite mouchetée ou arc-en-ciel, sur l’un de nos 27 magnifiques lacs dans un décor sauvage, en profitant de nos forfaits à petit prix.

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